The Second Chakra "Vadhisthana"

4 min read

The Second Chakra "Vadhisthana" - My Zen Temple

Understanding your Vadhisthana also know as the Sacral Chakra

Before reading this article, we suggest reading In Dept Explaining the 1st Chakra - The full Root Chakra guide.

The Sacral Chakra is located just below the navel, in the lower part of the abdomen. Its position represents our "center", in fact, it is the balancing point of our emotional energy. In Sanskrit, the name means "favorable place" referring to the safe harbor where we perceive our true nature.

This is the Chakra that connects body, mind, and spirit which is a real meeting point between our inner life and the outside world. It is depicted with a white lotus flower with six vermilion-colored petals. Inside, there is a crescent which represents the region over by the god Varuna.


The characteristics of the Sacral Chakra

To begin, the element associated with this chakra is water, and the color is orange, strongly linked to creativity and the free expression of the ego. This Chakra is also associated with spontaneity, physical and emotional pleasure, joy, sexuality, and fulfillment in all its facets.

When the second chakra is blocked, the consequences mainly affect our emotional sphere: we totally lose control of our emotions, becoming excessively slaves of instinct and anger, and letting ourselves be carried away by the negative feelings that obstruct the road to logic and reason. Our mood becomes fluctuating and we range from moments of euphoria to moments of profound apathy, letting go to attitudes harmful to ourselves and others.

In the long run, the obstruction of the Vadhisthana chakra leads to disturbances located in the body in which it is located, such as kidney stones, genital cancer, fertility problems, and impotence.

Summary of the second chakra:

"Vadhisthana" Chakra Position: Lower abdomen

Function: Sexuality, emotions, creativity

Color: Orange

Element: Water

Sense: Tact and taste

Crystals and stones: Amber, citrine, topaz, opal

Mantra: Vam

Animals: Crocodile, snake, fish, reptiles


Did you know you could do exercises to balance your "Vadhistahana"?

Let me show you!
These are simple exercises to balance your Vadhistahana!

Are you ready? Pay attention because the best way to keep the second chakra open and balanced is to open yourself to your creative side in your EVERY-day life!

It is also important to maintain a healthy sex life and to impartially honor and respect your body. But wait! There is one thing that is most important above it all, and it’s to get in touch with your emotions and check if there’s any repressed feeling or if you are keeping your emotions from yourself. We must commit to our-SELF to elaborate those emotions in the healthiest and least harmful way possible.


According to Hatha Yoga, the following asana has the greatest harmonizing effect on the "Svādishthāna" Chakra:

Bhujangasana (Cobra)

Bhujangasana meaning Cobra in Sanskrit

"When a cobra is disturbed, he raises his head. When he calms down again, he lowers his head to the ground. Through Bhujangasana, your emotions that can particularly rage can also be controlled and calmed."

So this is how it goes...

Lie down on your stomach, place your chin on the floor and place your hands near your body in line with your armpits and, extend your feet.

While inhaling, press your hips on the floor and lift your upper body with the help of your hands that should be pushing down on the ground.

Next, you will tilt your head and look up! Your vertebral column will be arched, and your shoulders should be constantly pushing backward from your pelvis that is also pressing to the ground.

Hold your breath and stay in this position for the time that is most congenial to you. Exhale, then slowly return to the starting position. 

Initially, you can repeat this Asana three times with short intervals, then, extend the practice by holding the position for a few more minutes and breathing normally.

 Oh but wait... that is not all! There is more...


“Vadhishthana” can be activated by meditation.

But wait … How do you meditate?

Using concentration practices - when we have a dormant Chakra, it is, in fact, necessary to awaken its qualities. In this sense, I recommend the Zen meditation or kundalini, designed specifically to awaken this type of energy.

The mantra that corresponds to the sacral chakra is the VAM. By chanting VAM, the vibrations will tune to align this chakra.

One last thing.

Balancing 'Vadhishthana" with two simple exercises:

Pelvic circles:
Sitting cross-legged or in the half lotus position with your hands on your knees begin to move your torso in a circle motion, changing direction after 5 or 6 repetitions.

Baddha Konasana (butterfly position):

Sit on the ground keeping your back straight, drop your knees to the sides and join the soles of your feet in front of your pelvis.

Then, grab your ankles with your hands and pull them towards your body as much as possible. As you do, try to bring your knees closer to the floor. Relax your arms and shoulders and imagine your legs like the wings of a butterfly that is about to take flight. Always be sure to keep your back straight and maintain posture during this exercise.


Thank you for reading.
Master Reiki Healer,
Matteo Colla

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