5 Daily Tibetan Exercises to Slow Down the Aging Process and Recharge Your Energy

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5 Daily Tibetan Exercises to Slow Down the Aging Process and Recharge Your Energy - My Zen Temple

 5 Daily Tibetan Exercises to Slow Down the Aging Process and Recharge Your Energy


We all want to put an end to the inevitable passing of the years.

Unfortunately, the ID card does not give discounts. And yet, something concrete can be done to slow down the aging process, look younger and "feel" fewer years on.

In this regard, the masters of the highland country, Tibet, help us with a series of exercises that have positive repercussions on our psychophysical wellbeing.

These are the 5 Tibetan rites, simple practices that originate in particular from the classical Indian yoga Darshana and the Tibetan. And they work great, they are not just a fashion of the moment!

Before going into the real exercises, we try to understand how they work and why they are so effective for the health of the whole body.

The 5 Tibetan rituals also have a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal and respiratory systems, also helping to promote an optimal state of health.

Thanks to the greater energy flow that will derive from the correct practice of the 5 Tibetans, it will be the whole body to gain certain advantages, with beneficial effects for the mind, more "clarity" to better face the many daily problems.

To get the first results it is not necessary to wait a long time: already after a couple of months of exercises performed consistently, body and mind will give positive signals and the energy flows will be revitalized.


Before Starting


It's time to start although they are not particularly demanding exercises from a physical point of view, it is always good to consult your doctor to find out if there are physical disorders that discourage the execution of the rites.

Once you get the "green light", if possible be guided at least the first times, by a trained person who will teach you the right movements to be carried out, so that the exercises are assimilated and then become automatic.

It starts gradually: the first week each exercise will be repeated three times, the second five, and so on until a maximum of twenty-one repetitions for each ritual.

This means that we will reach the top in the tenth week.

Then go on like this, just trying to focus on the exercises to make them always better.

The only exercise for which twenty-one repetitions are not foreseen is the first, for which the indication is not to exceed twelve.


The early bird catches the worm


As often happens, exercising immediately after getting out of bed guarantees the best results.

Of course, waking up early and performing the 5 rites requires a strength of will and constancy.

Know, however, that in doing so, you will draw great energy and the day to be faced will seem less demanding.

The rites can still be performed in the evening; in this case, they will give you peace of mind and a better quality of sleep.

However, it is also a question of time and comfort;

everyone will have to find the best moment for execution. Here are the five Tibetan Rites.


Heating phase


Considering that you are "cold", you need some preparatory exercise that warms up your muscles and prevents blockages.

Start working on the head and neck, performing spiral movements: take the tip of the nose as a reference point and move the head until reaching the maximum extension, then return to the starting point.

Also stretch your feet, hands, and shoulders in the same way: rotary movements that widen more and more, reaching the maximum extension possible.

In addition to execution, focus on the perception of what you are doing.



First ritual


The first ritual works on spirality.

Stand, broad arms, palms facing downward, turn yourself clockwise, so that the left arm rotates to the right.

This ritual works on all the chakras. Be careful though: this type of rotary exercise can cause loss of balance and/or slight nausea.

It is therefore advisable, at least for the first few times, to perform the movements slowly, with no more than 3-4 rotations, and then increase according to your own feelings.


Second ritual


Lying on the ground, on your back, arms at your sides, at the same time lift your legs at 90 degrees from your torso (hammer-bent feet) and head towards your chest.

Shoulders, back, and pelvis remain in contact with the ground.

Inhale during flexion and exhale during the relaxation phase.

This rite works on chakras 1, 2, 3 and 5.


Alternative version;

If it is difficult to raise and lower the extended legs, the ritual can be performed starting from the initial position with the knees bent in this way the spine is less stressed.


Third rite


On the knees, hands placed on the buttocks, feet resting on the flexed fingers and in contact with the ground, head resting on the sternum (A).

Bending head, shoulders and the thoracic spine of the back (B).

Inhale when arched and exhale as you return to the starting position. Keep the jaws relaxed during the ritual.

This rite works on chakras 3, 4, 5 and 6.


Fourth rite


Seated, legs extended and feet as wide as the hips; erect trunk, chin touching the breastbone and palms resting on the ground with the toes forward, bend the knees, lift the pelvis and reverse the head.

inhaling it rises and exhaling back to the starting position.

This ritual works on the chakras 3, 4 and 5.


Fifth rite


Prone, pelvis, and limbs touch the ground, upright head, palms of the hands resting on the ground as wide as the shoulders and feet resting on the fingers flexed as wide as the hips (A), lift the pelvis, exhaling (B).

Inhale back to the starting position.


Alternative version; You change the point of support, which passes from the feet to the knees.



This rite involves all the chakras.


Author: Matteo Colla Universal Reiki Healing Chakra 

1 Response

 Jorge Tasse,RMT
Jorge Tasse,RMT

October 02, 2019

wonderful article

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