All orders are processed in about 1-7 business days (depending on the item) and they are shipped immediately after processing. Of course, it all depends on your order's destination and our warehouse's location. Please consider that some of our items may take a little bit longer in order to be ready for transportation.
Here is the approximated shipping time by location:
Yes, we can ship almost all around the world.
Please note that international orders may be subject to customs taxes, import, duties, and they might be applied once your package arrives in your country. We don't know and cannot predict what your particular charges may be. If you wish to have more information about your country's customs policies please contact your local customs office.
All customs fees, taxes and import duties are the responsibility of the recipient of the shipment. Your local carrier should be able to give you details on the method of payment accepted for the duties, taxes and other fees collected upon delivery IF they apply.
First of all, the website that you are visiting right now is on an HTTPS server ( The small lock icon on the left of the URL of this page ex: ).
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is the secure version of HTTP, the protocol over which data is sent between your browser and the website that you are connected to. The 'S' at the end of HTTPS stands for 'Secure'. It means all communications between your browser and the website are encrypted.
Most of the websites only secure the cart and checkout page. On this site, every page is secured and can't be hacked.
& we accept PayPal as a payment method, which is the reference in secure internet transaction.
If you wish to change, refund or cancel your order, you are allowed to do so only before your item has been shipped and we normally process your order the day after the purchase. If you wish to cancel Contact us to do so.
It's normal. Your items come from different places around the world with different processing times, we prefer to deliver your items as soon as they are ready.
You will receive your order in several parcels (which allows you to continue the joy of discovering a new package in your mailbox over several days)
Yes, it's normal. The delivery time is for international Shipping is between 14 and 35 days. It's much closer to 14 than 35 but sometimes it's a little longer.
Contact us:
You can also reach us via our Facebook and Instagram account.
Please note that healing crystal meanings are spiritual supports to healing and are not prescriptions or healthcare information.